Another Worldbytecodeinterpreter  2.1.1
Another Worldbytecodeinterpreter Documentation

Raw is a reimplementation of the virtual machine for Another World. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See file LICENSE.txt or go to:

Command line:

raw [Options]

Supported options:

-h [ --help ]              Display this help message.
-v [ --version ]           Display program version.
-d [ --datapath ] arg (=.) Path to game data.
-c [ --debugConsole ]      Enable logs through the standard output.
-f [ --debugFile ] arg     Enable logs into a file.
-s [ --debugSyslog ] arg   Enable logs through Syslog.
-l [ --level ] arg         Log level filter.

The available log levels are:

The higher level also trigger on the lower levels. For instance, if you ask for "warning" level, you will also get "error" level. Default is "error".

Here are the various in game hotkeys:

Add support of every version, using work from RawGL.
Add OpenGL support, using work from RawGL.